I love the Robinson's bird house advert so much! It's so cute! And it reminds me of my ideas for the superhero layer with the cat on the bird news, like my bad Mr. Fox villain for Super Bunnie! The man clock is really silly too... ^_^
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
My ideas for the superheros layers... I designed the heros first ^_^
Monday, 15 February 2010
So, I haven't wrote on here in aaggeess... Because of me being so sick sick sick! :) So I'm getting some stuff on here! And I have done half a log book of ideas for the quiz/superhero layer/film but I tried to scan it in, but the scanner didn't like my laptop, so then I tried scanning the log book in at uni, but then the CD I saved them on wouldn't run on my laptop?! What's the deal sunshine? I think someone doesn't want me to do this blogy blog... So I'm just stuck with writing for now... But I am glad that I don't have to make a film now! Because I was going to have to make one but with a new group and get people to help me, but I really didn't want to do this because people probably didn't want to do another one... So I can now just edit someone else's group's one... :) Yay! :) But it's still going to be a bit naughty because I have never edited anything in my life... So yeh, the real one will probably be a lot better! But oh well... I really don't like film anyway, (Which isn't bad it's just my opinion...) ^_^ And because there's no pictures to put in this post, here is a picture of the sony bravia bunnies, because there really lovely! :) And I love that you can see finger