The Flower Fairies website...
This is probably one of the cutest sites I have ever seen... It's so good when you first get onto it, there's magical music and all the menus pop onto the page. The actual content of the site isn't really that good though, which is a bit disappointing, but there is a 'Meet the fairies' menu and it is great! There is pictures of different types of fairies and a poem for each of them, I really like kids poetry, and if I have kids I want them to be more into books and climbing trees more than TV and the internet like I was when I was younger. I also just love the drawings on this website, because it's not just coloured shapes made into a character on a computer, it's actual intricate drawings and paintings that have been scanned in. I really like this site and if I was going to make a children's site, I'd want it to be all wonderful and girly like this one... :)
The CBeebies website...
The rest of this site isn't that good, but the 'Make and Colour' bit has the best making idea's I've ever see online. It's like Art Attack online! (It's 'Mr. Maker now though isn't it?) I also found this show on there...

How weird?! So, yeah... The site is really colourful and quite educational really, and I love that it has a 'Story Time' menu, for all the kids who have parents like mine who couldn't be bothered reading to them, haha! I do really like the design, but it's a bit computerized... I mean, most of the characters on there are just yellow blobby triangles... And I know that they're the Cbeebies logo characters, but I just think they could have made them more stimulating for kids... And they've had them for ages now, I think it's about time for a change! ;)
The Thomas The Tank website...
This site isn't even that good, it's just absolutely hilarious! When you move your mouse over the menus it says the title of each of them out loud, like, 'Activities'. And if you go over the Thomas the Tank logo it says, 'Home!' (All though it sounds more like, 'Hoe!') And you can make him say many funny things from, 'Ho, Activities!' to 'Gay, Videos!' When you put your cursor over the games menu and then quickly move it to the videos menu... Yep, I really am that immature... :)
But any way... I do really like this site, I used to love Thomas when I was little, (more when Ringo Star was the narrator though.) I really like the background of the site, I'm pretty obsessed with clouds... Especially cumulonimbus, and even though it's more of a boyish website it gives it more of a girly tone. The games on the site are really fun, (The colouring one is my favourite) and well designed and the whole site is pretty easy to navigate and there isn't too many advertisements either, which is always a plus! :)
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